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Iron Shirt Qigong

Hello Everyone,

In July and August I am going to be running an Iron Shirt Qigong serieson a very unique & powerful set known as the Ho Shu Ying Set. We will be gathering “Heaven Chi” from theatmosphere and storing it in the body, nourishing one’s entire Chi system.History & Background of this form:In the 6th century, innovations at the Shaolin temple of China ushered in a new chapter in the history of Chinese energetic practices. One of the 72 skills taught at Shaolin was called “Iron Shirt Qigong”. In addition to building a shield of health around one’s body, this style of Qigong develops internal energy to be used for Martial Arts.It is rare to find a truly effective Iron Shirt Qigong form. This set of movements was passed down by master Ho Shu Ying to my teacher. Master Ho was an orphan. A Shaolin monk met him as a boy and taught him a Qigong form telling him that if the young Ho Shu Ying would practice, his Qigong could become a source of livelihood. Shu Ying practiced to the point of mastery. This set was passed down to me and cannot be found in books or dvd’s. It is a powerful practice and you will feel the effects right away.I hope that you can join us.The series will be offered over the course of 6 Wednesday sessions with a 7th session as a make-up class. (If you missed a session you can get the movements you missed / if you have been practicing the form you can return to ask questions).Dates & Times:Wednesday July 11th To August 8th. 8-9pm.Make up class : August 29th.Cost : Register by June 30th $ 199 + tax.Register in July : $ 249 + tax.Location: Wu Xing Martial Arts Center 374 Dupont Street.Preregistration requiredRegister online to reserve your spot or contact us via telephone or email.Tel: 416-972-9652e-mail:

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