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Breakfast in Beijing

Wake up on Sunday morning and head down to Wu Xing Martial Arts for a 75 minute Chi Kung workshop accompanied by a live violinist. This workshop focuses on the ‘muscle and tendon changing classic’ and on the ‘eight pieces of silken brocade’, two classical & ancient Chinese Health Exercises aiming at cultivating one’s internal energy. Feeling energized after a great Chi Kung session, we will all step next door to Dish Cooking Studio, one of Toronto’s premier cooking schools, for a warming bowl of Chinese broth. Sitting around the communal kitchen the dish teacher will demonstrate how to make traditional Chinese broth, enjoy! This year treat your Valentine to breakfast in Beijing.Sunday February 19th, 11am-2pm.Chi Kung/Qi Gong with live violinist 11-12:15.wuxingmartialarts.comCooking of Chinese broth and meal 12:30-2pm. dishcookingstudio.comCost $ 115 + HSTTo register call : 416-972-9652

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